Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Jar-Jar Debacle

Ask any fan of Star Wars (over the age of fifteen) what the worst thing about the Star Wars prequels is. Nine out of ten fans will tell you the same thing: Jar-Jar Binks. (The other ten percent of fans merely sit in the corner of their padded cells, rocking back and forth while weeping gently over their plundered childhood memories.)

Let it out, man. Let it out.

The classic trilogy had moments of humor: Princess Leia's wry observation of Han Solo's bravery when she sees his ship ("You flew in that thing? You're braver than I thought"), Han's attempt at placating the Death Star guards over the intercom ("Boring conversation anyway"), Luke Sywalker and Leia's shared incestuous kiss, Luke getting his hand severed . . . the laughs keep rolling. The prequel trilogy . . . well, see for yourself.

We actually found this French-dubbed version less obnoxious than the original "English" Mr. Binks regularly speaks in. Jar-Jar is an over-the-top cartoon character who should simply not exist in this decidedly not-for-children universe:

Is Jar-Jar responsible for millions of Star Wars fans' hatred of the Star Wars prequels? He's at least a key component.

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