Sunday, August 7, 2011

Expanded Universe

*Full disclosure: we here at SW(fb) are fans of the Expanded Universe.*

The EU is the European Union, a poorly-thought-out-never-had-a-snowball's-chance-to-succeed cobbling together of disparate European nations. For the purposes of this blog, however, it refers to the Expanded Universe, the officially licensed Star Wars tales that go beyond the films (but not fan fiction--a pox on all their houses). The Expanded Universe is considered non-canon by some hardcore fans (usually those who cannot read). Including cartoons, TV specials, comic books, children's stories, and novels, the EU sparks controversy on a daily basis. Usually along lines like this:

Nerd 1: "The Death Star was the most powerful weapon ever. The Emperor would have won if he'd finished the second one."

Nerd 2: "Nuh-uh. The Galaxy Gun could blow up planets through hyperspace."

Nerd 1: "The Galaxy Gun isn't real! That was from those little kid books."

Nerd 2: "Okay, then what about the Sun Crusher? That could make any star go nova and destroy an entire system. Remember how Kyp Durron destroyed the Carida sytem?"

Nerd 1: "You're right. I forgot about the Sun Crusher."

Non-nerd Star Wars tip: When you are listening to your acquaintances arguing over Star Wars minutiae, and they attempt to draw you in, merely ask them their opinion on the Expanded Universe. While they begin a new argument amongst themselves, you may quietly slip away.

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